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» Products » The other » NILON GLOVES HMKBT-06
Description NILON GLOVES
Brand by HOANG MAI
Partner packaged by HOANG MAI
Applicate Used in various industries such as printing, food, inspection and classification of agricultural products, chemicals, ink, ...
Code HMKBT-06
Mode 60 pieces / box (thick type) and 80 pieces / box

  1. Product name: PLASTIC GLOVES
  2.  Product code:HMKBT-06
  3. Made in: packaged by HOANG MAI
  4. Specifications:
  • Material: HDPE film
  • Color: White
  • Size: size available for men and women
  • Weight :

. Thick type: about 600 pieces / kg

. Thin type: about 800 pieces / kg

  • Features: roughness-creating particles in the palms
  • Application:
  •  Used in various industries such as printing, food, inspection and classification of agricultural products, chemicals, ink, ...
  • Packing and display:
  • Packed in paper boxes, 60 pieces / box (thick type) and 80 pieces / box.
  • The box is shown full name and code of the product.
  • Storage conditions:
  • All products are placed on pallets or shelves to avoid being moldy.
  • Paper boxes help prevent dust, facilitate long storage and avoid any dust on the unfinished use.
  • Products must be stored in a dry and airy environment.